Cam-whoring with Hong Kong Celerities...Part 1

>> Thursday, November 27, 2008

Read my previous post on "cam-whore". Click link.

This actually happened many months ago. I also don't remember when, it was probably early 2008.

That just shows how behind I am in my blogging. :) Better late than never right?! :)

Alright, let me tell you the story.

It was a Sunday morning. I dragged myself out from bed early as I needed to go to airport for a morning flight to Singapore. I have a business meeting in Singapore on Monday and so I took the opportunity to go a bit earlier on Sunday so that I can spent sometime with my niece Nicole.

It was an early morning, I was really tired that day and I was kinda still in a sleepy daze when I reached the airport. Since it was a Sunday and I didn't think I would ever see anyone I know at the airport, I did not really care how I looked. So clad in a simple T-shirt and jeans and scruffy hair, I did my normal routine, check in, took my tickets and walk to the departure gate.

First thing I saw was a big crowd around the departure gate. Still with my sleepy eyes, I was just going to walk thru the crowd but then my curiosity got the better of me so I looked at what the commotion was about.

"Oh my....Hong Kong celebrities...isn't that Sonija Kwok, oh oh!! that's err eer what's that other celeb name again, ahhh what's his name?? ooooh, ooohhh, Where's my camera?? "

Photo : Sonija Kwok

I was getting a bit star struck.....taking out my camera to snap snap away.

So there I was on a sunday morning, in a crowd of crazy fans snapping away at their favourite celebrities. As for me, I have seen all of these Hong Kong stars before on TV....come on..I grew up with TVB but being the "banana" that I am, I did not really know their names. But what the heck, let me get their photos anyway.

Then my lazy Sunday brain started functioning. "Ping! Why am I pushing together with these bunch of fanatics fans? I have a ticket to get into the departure gate right?!, And that is exactly where the HK celebs are going right?!! Aiyo silly me........hehehe sorry fanatics fans, I am walking in with the celebs. Bye bye.

Photo : Gigi Lai

So there I was going down the escalator with HK celebs in front and at the back of me!! "Oh goodness...why didn't I put on some makeup this morning? Why didn't I dress up? Oh dear, how messy is my hair?"

It's too late....I look the way I am but since they are so nearby, I have to get my photos taken with them.

First attempt, Gigi Lai. I was kinda nervous cos after I asked her for a photo, I could not get my camera to work. And then instead of pressing the shoot button, I switched off the camera!!! Goodness!! Get yourself together girl! Ok done. But the photo turned out can see for yourself. I must say her face is porcelian smooth but she does look like an alien here, right? Just a bad angle. ...err I meant me :)

Then I was waiting in line at the passport gate and this guy below stood at the back of me. Err errr...I know him...come on! I am watching him in one of the TVB series every night. Err I don't know his name but what the heck! I mumbled something in Cantonese like how are you and then asked for a cam-whore shot, the picture still turned out bad, so I am only posting the one by himself. Actually he looks pretty good real life.

At this point, I was kinda in a bigger daze, wondering which celebrity I should target. So, there I was in KLIA, shyly asking these HK celebs to have their photos taken.

My heart was beating really fast and my head was kinda swirling. We were waiting for the train at the same area, and I got on the train when it came to go to terminal 2. The HK celebs stayed behind (I think they were waiting for the whole group to assemble) and I captured the photo below as photo as my train was taking away. They were just playing a fool with each other but they knew I was taking their photo.

So, there I was completely awake now, heart beating fast from all the adrenaline rush. Called my buddy Soos and my hubby and was almost breathless trying to tell them what happened to me in the last 15 minutes. I came out of the train to search for my gate!!

Silly me! My gate was at terminal where I came from. I did not even need to take the train. How blur of me? Now, I had to take the train back. The train came, the door opened, a bunch of people came out and there right in front of me was Roger Kwok Chun On. Oh my!!! I really like this guy!!!!

I asked him for a photo. Leaned forward to take the photo and he took the camera from me and took the photo of us. Oh my!!! Such a gentleman!!! I could not believe my luck. I was smitten all over!! I went into a further daze, my heart was just beating beating, I could feel myself breathless.

Snap out of it girl! Get to your terminal before you miss your flight!! hehehe....

What a Sunday morning!

Believe or not, I had another round meeting the HK celebrities recently but this time at a dinner. Wait for my next posting.


trinitivy December 5, 2008 at 11:55 PM  

Wye Jon - Yeah yeah...Wayne Lai, he is rather good looking in real life, some of his roles doesn't do him justice...

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