More... with Hong Kong celebrities Part 2

>> Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This year must be my lucky year. Early in the year, I had a quick run in with some popular HK celebs at the airport (read about it here) and recently in early Nov, I took up the offer to attend an Astro dinner.

Those who know me, would vouch that I am usually to busy working to socialize :) but I took this opportunity to meet my business colleagues in Astro for the TVB Super Trio special dinner celebration. Basically the Hong Kong variety show Super Trio was shooting 4 epsiodes in Malaysia and Astro decided to host them a dinner while they were here.

The 3 important men of Super Trio show

Eric Tsang - I made sure that I had a photo with him. Now you must understand that he may not be dashing good-looking but he is a HK TVB veteran and extremely popular. This may came in handy to show my kids in the future :)

Bosco was definitely the sought after man of the evening. He is rather popular nowadays as he has good leading roles in recent TVB series.

Now this guy Shek Shau (pic above) is another veteran in TVB. He has been acting for so many years but hey, he maintained his looks pretty well. Still handsome.

I have to admit I don't know his name. Still don't. Can someone tell me? But for sure, I have seen him acting in many series but mostly in non lead roles. I remember him usually acting as a young punk in TVB series but in real life, he looks kinda old...I can see the wrinkles...ooops!

The whole TVB celebrities who were there there. Anyone important I missed??

Well, that's it, I cam-whored myself and not embarrassed to blog about it.


Anonymous,  December 3, 2008 at 7:23 PM  

So cool....I like to meet them too.

trinitivy December 5, 2008 at 11:54 PM  

wye jon - Thanks thnks for the info...Carlo ng :)

motor engine - yeah it is nice to meet people you've seen on TV...

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